Pentagonal Strategy


In its second term from 1998-2003, the Royal Government of Cambodia scrupulously implemented the Triangular Strategy, achieving a favorable environment and the sine qua non conditions, both internally and externally, for Cambodia to move forward, with strong hope and confidence on the path of reforms and sustained development.

The Rectangular Strategy is the successor of the Triangular Strategy of the Royal Government in the Second Legislature of the National Assembly, and thereby establishes the key facets of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s development strategy for the Third Legislature of the National Assembly. Geometrically, the Triangular Strategy clearly demonstrated its capacity to withstand strong challenges and adversity, remaining stable and unbowed in any circumstance. Therefore, the Rectangular Strategy may be depicted as an integrated structure of interlocking rectangles that represent sustainability and stability in the same way as a strong table or chair firmly stands on four pillars.

The Rectangular Strategy sets out to guide the implementation of the agenda of the Royal Government and selects key elements from the Millennium Development Goals, the Cambodia Socio-Economic Development Program, the Cambodia National Poverty Reduction Strategy, and the various policies, strategies, plans and other important reform programs, all of which have been formulated through broad consultation with all national and international stakeholders – including government ministries and institutions, representatives of civil society and the donor community.

  1. Rectangular Strategy Phase I in 2004 (ENG)
  2. Rectangular_Strategy_Phase II in 2008 (ENG)
  3. Rectangular Strategy Phase III in 2013 (ENG)
  4. Rectangular Strategy Phase IV in 2018 (ENG)
  5. Rectangular Strategy Phase IV in_2018 (KHM)

The Pentagonal Strategy is the successor of the Four-Phase Rectangular Strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia. The strategy continues to focus on ensuring performance efficiency through the implementation of the analogical approach related to good governance. The Pentagonal Strategy-Phase I adopts five key priorities, namely People, Road, Water, Electricity, and Technology.